Overview of Homeopathy

For simple videos such as the one below explaining the aim and scope of Homeopathy this UK site 4Homeopathy is helpful, and I particularly love the testimonials shared from dozens of people of all ages.

This animation helps to explain what individualised homeopathic treatment is all about, and how it could be the safe, gentle and non-toxic healthcare choice you've been looking for.


How do the remedies work?

The Homeopathic Research Institute (HRI) is an innovative international charity created to address the need for high quality scientific research in homeopathy. It’s a one-stop resource to answer the many questions that arise about Homeopathy and the medicine. It highlights the innovative and cutting edge scientific research being done on ultra-high dilutions (homeopathic medicines).

The Water Research Laboratory is an arm of HRI dedicated to studying the physico-chemical properties of water. It aims to investigate the full potential of water using a multidisciplinary approach involving theoretical physics, mathematical modelling and experimental exploration.

In the excellent documentary ‘Homeopathy Another Way’ french scientist Professor Marc Henry describes the scientific research attempting to understand the structure of homeopathic dilutions. He has analysed homeopathic dilutions using electrophotonics and theorises an electromagnetic influence of the original substance upon the water, which codes and stores the information. He states: ‘We know today that a homeopathic remedy is not insignificant: it consists of the dispersion of nano-particles, of nanobubbles of air with water, and without the starting materials’.

What can Homeopathy help with?

Clinical evidence and studies suggest that Homeopathy could be helpful for:

Childhood complaints:


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Disclaimer: All material presented on the Resonant Health website, Facebook page and Instagram is provided for education and information purposes only. The information provided and all offered services are not to be understood as medical diagnosis, nor as replacement for a consultation with a professional health care adviser. Visitors to this website or Facebook site are fully responsible for how they choose to utilise the content. It is your responsibility to seek medical help and diagnosis when appropriate. Always seek medical advice for serious injury or illness, and in emergencies. All remedy-related information provided by Resonant Health/ Angela Pierce-Jones is sourced from homeopathic pharmacopoeias and Materia Medicas as listed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Australia and is referenced worldwide.