Resonant Health is a space I have created to journey with you towards ever greater levels of health, happiness and purpose using the higher wisdom of Mother Nature as my guide

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Qualifications and memberships:

AQF Level 9 Masters Degree in Technology of Homoeopathy (M.Tech.Hom) 2003 Tier 1 professional member - Australian Register of Homeopaths 16-432 Professional member - Australian Homoeopathic Association (AHA) Certified grief educator 2022 Intuitive homeopathy Course (2 YEARS) 2022-present AHA WA Branch Committee 2017 - present AHA National Council Representative for WA Branch 2019-present Recognised Autism Support Project Practitioner since 2019

Special interests

Chronic fatigue

Building resilience to stop the cycle of chronic recurrent acute complaints such as cystitis, colds, shingles, cold sores etc

Low immunity, auto immune conditions, PANDAS/PANS

Anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress conditions

Complicated and/or prolonged grief

Suspected adverse events after vaccination (diagnosed or in your personal opinion) - all ages

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I have trained as a Classical homeopath, which means I work closely with my patients and make a deep enquiry to discover the root causes of their problems. In my opinion homeopathy has an unparalleled capacity to restore balance to the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, as well as effect deep changes in the emotional realm. I have observed how a well chosen remedy can help free a person from the invisible bonds in the inner world of mind and heart that were induced by traumas of various kinds. With care and thoughtfulness I aim to pinpoint the 'heart' of the matter, and choose a remedy that aligns most closely with each persons individual health challenges.

I have grown to love Homeopathy in all its wisdom and intelligence. It is a wonderful healing art that respects the individual being, their experiences, and their expression. It’s an intriguingly gentle medicine that acts on the whole of the being simultaneously- body, mind and emotions. This unique capacity is what makes Homeopathy such a profound system of medicine.

Homeopathy is key to my family’s health and well-being, and my children ask for remedies for every ailment under the sun - from stings and headaches, to worries and sleeplessness. Such trust has been borne from a lifetime of being given remedies for their every need, and they simply love it.

I consult both locally and internationally and have patients around the world who connect with me via Zoom.

I look forward to working with you.

Disclaimer: All material presented on the Resonant Health website, Facebook page and Instagram is provided for education and information purposes only. The information provided and all offered services are not to be understood as medical diagnosis, nor as replacement for a consultation with a professional health care adviser. Visitors to this website or Facebook site are fully responsible for how they choose to utilise the content. It is your responsibility to seek medical help and diagnosis when appropriate. Always seek medical advice for serious injury or illness, and in emergencies. All remedy-related information provided by Resonant Health/ Angela Pierce-Jones is sourced from homeopathic pharmacopoeias and Materia Medicas as listed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Australia and is referenced worldwide.